In support of United Hollywood's Pencils2MediaMoguls campaign, in which fans can demonstrate their solidarity with the striking writers of their beloved shows by bombarding their favorite entertainment conglomerate executives with pallet-loads of unwanted writing implements, several showrunners have tried to stoke additional interest in the stunt by offering prizes for participation, such as signed scripts or personal phone calls from appreciative cast members. (Imagine: 5 minutes chatting with Lost's Matthew Fox, who answers your every question about the series' mysteries by explaining, "To be honest, I have no fucking idea what's going on. They've kept us all so drugged up since the beginning of season two so we won't give anything away that we can't remember our lines five minutes after we finish a scene.")

But the reward sure to be most coveted comes from the producers of Battlestar Galactica, who are donating three autographed pieces of fabric that have touched the private parts of star Jamie Bamber to the cause:

Instead of a phone call, Jamie has offered to sign and donate three worn (as in actually worn, not threadbare) towels to the Pencils campaign. The first two will go to the fans who buy the most pencils in Jamie's name, while the third will be raffled off at random. The towels will be yours to do with as you wish (insert your joke here) but any and all cloning will be subject to the appropriate international treaty restrictions.

As you can see in the above video (and here and here), some particularly proactive fans have already picked up the terrycloth gauntlet and started a parallel YouTube effort to encourage participation in the pencil-based assault; so far, no "Bamber Bunnies" have dropped their towels, but should the campaign reach viral popularity in the Galactica fan community, it probably wont be long before viewers of both sexes—and all shapes and sizes—start try to one-up each other, selflessly exposing their goodies on behalf of Captain Apollo and the gang if that's what it takes to save the TV universe.