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PrivacyWatch celebrity sightings are submitted by our readers, and are posted several times a week, so send them in often! Submit yours to tips[AT] (please put "sighting" or "PrivacyWatch" in the subject line so we don't lose them) and tell everyone about the time you secretly wished you had the balls of that creepy dude at The Grove Apple Store hitting on Gabrielle Anwar:

In today's episode: Josh Brolin; Al Pacino and Beverly D'Angelo; Jamie Lee Curtis; Michael Cera; Michael Keaton; Adam Brody and Scott Adsit; Faye Dunaway; Gabrielle Anwar; Joel Madden; Cynthia Watros; Becki Newton; and Rami Kashou.

· Dec 2 - Josh Brolin at the Arclight on Sunset. Kneeling down to have what seemed a heartfelt conversation with a lady in a wheel chair. A solid and caring fellow.

· Al Pacino and Beverly D'Angelo sighting - Nov 27 - Fresh from an amazing massage at the Massage Garage I decided to stop off at the Coffee Bean on Olympic and Bundy on my way home. Nothing says "after massage drink" than an English Breakfast Latte. I'm still in the haze of having has all my knots and such worked out and hardly notice the people around me. All I know is that there is no line for everyone has already been served their coffee and tea or whatever. After I place my order I walk to the pick up location and glance over to a man and a woman sitting at the window facing Olympic. I nearly wet myself when I see that it is Al Pacino. His hair was all out of place as though he had just rolled out of bed but he still looked sexy. Seriously, he did. I know that is sort of odd since the man could be my grandfather, okay, father, but he is quite sexy. Unlike Al, Beverly's hair was perfectly coiffed and she looked hot. I wish I had the guts to sit next to them and sip on my latte while listening in on their conversation. Oh well.

Oh, and yesterday (Nov 26) I saw Jamie Lee Curtis on Wilshire in Santa Monica leaving the Whole Foods. She had a cloth Whole Foods bag over one shoulder and was heading back to her car.

· Jamie Lee Curtis on Little Santa Monica near Le Pain Quotidienne in Beverly Hills while I was there sipping lemonade. IMDB says she just turned 49, so I gotta' say, Wanda Gershwitz was looking good - strutting along apparently happy and healthy in a long sleeved black T and jeans. That is all.

· We saw George Michael (Michael Cera) last night (Dec 1) on Avocado Street in Los Feliz, in the back of restaurant Mexico City. He was having a delightful animated conversation with a young lady who was sitting on a brick wall. He looked adorable and it was all I could do not to run up to them, tackle him, and hug him until he could no longer breathe. Fearing prosecution, I controlled myself.

· Saturday, December 1. Michael Keaton at Peet's Coffee on Main Street in Santa Monica, in hat and sunglasses, sitting with us plebes, looking fit, if a tad old. But still has it.

· My friend and I went for a casual late lunch at KING'S ROAD CAFE after our day of sample sale shopping...and a super hot blond Australian sat down next to us...and 2 minutes later Adam Brody. They were talking about a "project" they were potentially doing together and he said he was super excited/nervous about getting the part...(THE FLASH maybe??) then just as we were getting out food Scott Adsit (Peter-30 Rock) sat down on the other side. And he was with the most beautiful model-type with long legs. I thought the best part of my day was my deals at the sample sale, but nothing like a little celeb sighting.

· Faye Dunaway works out at my gym. She wears the same thing every morning - blue sweatsuit, white baseball cap and a plastic glove on usually only one hand (my friend says when she's saner she wears them on both hands - one for milk, the other for meat). She weighs maybe 85 pounds wet and doesn't color her hair anymore. She is pulled tight beyond recognition and can scare small children. Yesterday (Nov 26) I noticed that she was wearing an ipod and I couldn't help but wonder what Mommie Dearest must have on her ipod. It sure as Hell ain't Doris Day. More like Nine Inch Nails.

· So I was at the Apple Store in Santa Monica Monday morning when I hear this great British accent, look over and there is Gabrielle Anwar trying to get her iPhone fixed. A little older (as am I - we're a month apart it turns out) and tiny—really tiny— but still super cute. It was a real synchronicity moment for me since "For Love Or Money" was on Sunday and that got me wondering what she was up to these days. The best part was the super cheesey dude who then tried to pick her up as she was looking at cases for her phone. Man was it painful to listen to him offer to buy her coffee... she was, however, super nice to him and when he left she had a smile and a look on her face that said "What was he thinking?" Couldn't agree more: lamest pickup attempt. Ever.

· I decided to brave the hell that is The Grove on saturday night 12/1. coming out of Nordstrom, noticed Joel Madden, aka Mr. Nicole Richie, waiting out front. no one really noticed him. figured he might be waiting for Nicole. nope, just some emo guy. google tells me it was the keyboard/rhythm guitar player in his band, Billy Martin.

· Thursday, 2:15pm
Just spotted Cynthia Watros (Libby, season 2 of Lost) in the parking lot of the Whole Foods at 3rd and Fairfax. She was with another gal, who had on a shirt that read, "unfair isn't funny" or something like that. Writer? Anyway, Watros is normal height, thin but not scary, had no makeup on—in workout type clothes. If she had been driving, I would have run for cover, but she just stood around.

· I saw the girl who plays Amanda (BECKI NEWTON) on Ugly Betty leaving either Ona Spa or Prive last Saturday, leggings, arm in harm with her gay, and slightly darker in the hair department. Totally bigger than she looks on TV in a good way. She looks like the 2nd most popular girl on a boarding school field hockey team. She had cute teeth. Is that weird?

· Dec 2 - At the Ralph's in Silver Lake - Rami Kashou from the current season of Project Runway. I saw last season's winner Jeffrey Sebelia there earlier this year, so maybe it's the Project Runway Ralph's. Rock 'n Roll Ralph's can suck it.