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Blognation, the mostly Euro-focused competitor to TechCrunch, founded by former TechCrunch blogger Sam Sethi, is imploding — according to TechCrunch. Michael Arrington must find this all delicious: Oliver Starr, a blogger who left Arrington's MobileCrunch site and later landed at BlogNation, is now writing about Sethi's troubles.

Starr posted his kiss-off letter to Sethi on the BlogNation site, knowing it would be quickly removed, and also posted the long-winded missive on his own site.

In short, Starr charges, Sethi hasn't funded BlogNation, can't pay his contributors, lies to the press and his employees, and will have a hard time raising funding because he is a liar, not a CEO. Imagine that: Oliver Starr, burning bridges?

In this case, no one wins but Arrington. Never one to shy from a nerdfight, the prickly blog impresario has had a running feud with his former coworkers. If BlogNation ceases to exist, they'll be missed — if only for the entertaining feud. (Screenshot by TechCrunch)