
Bad Yogurts Battle Viciously as Good Yogurts Float High Above the Fray

Hamilton Nolan · 01/11/16 04:29PM

As a connoisseur of fine yogurt, you can approach life in one of two ways: get bogged down in the muck of inferior yogurt trench warfare, or you can put on your headphones and settle in with some quality yogurt—because brother, life is too short for bad curdles.

Writing and What Comes With It

Hamilton Nolan · 07/23/15 10:35AM

Should the published writing of professional writers be subject to any criticism? I believe yes. At least one professional writer disagrees.

Kelly Conaboy · 11/18/14 03:21PM

"They say on the Internet / There are no neutrals there / You'll either be on Spotify / Or on Google's new Music Key streaming service." In the Taylor Swift vs. Billy Bragg fight, which side are you on?

Freddie Prinze Jr. and Kiefer Sutherland Have Beef

Aleksander Chan · 07/28/14 08:48PM

Freddie Prinze Jr., star of movies that seem to always air on cable at weird hours, decided it was high time to tell us all about his terrible, career-upending experience of working with Kiefer Sutherland on season eight of 24. "Kiefer was the most unprofessional dude in the world. That's not me talking trash, I'd say it to his face, I think everyone that's worked with him has said that," Prinze told ABC News.

Amazon Deserves All of Its Bad PR

Hamilton Nolan · 05/28/14 11:05AM

Amazon, the Cthulhu of retail, finds itself embroiled in a spat with a major book publisher. It's gotten nasty. And, remarkably, Amazon is losing the PR battle. Why? Perhaps because Amazon—where workers are "ground into a tired heap"—deserves to have a bad reputation.

Font Gods Hoefler & Frere-Jones Split in Nasty Corporate Divorce

J.K. Trotter · 01/17/14 02:30PM

Few graphic-design institutions are (or were) as highly regarded as Hoefler & Frere-Jones, a small New York City type foundry whose perfectly crafted typefaces—including Gotham, Whitney, and Champion—saturate media, advertising, entertainment, and politics. Obama tapped the company to create a custom font for his second presidential campaign. Now the two sides of the ampersand are at war over who actually owns the company.