What's Kiefer Eating In Jail?

As a parked RV full of vigil-standing Defamer commenters idles outside of the Glendale City Jail, Kiefer Sutherland sits in his solitary cell just a few hundred feet away, beginning Day 3 of what will eventually be 48 days in the correctional facility. His only crimes? An illegal U-turn and perhaps loving life too much. Still, a repentant and cooperative actor appears to have accepted his fate, with one jail spokesman going so far as to describe him as a "model prisoner":
"He's not happy to be here," Officer John Balian says, "but you can tell from his demeanor that he's sorry and takes responsibility for what's he's done."
Sutherland spent his first full day on Thursday folding jail laundry. He also had cornflakes for breakfast, a turkey sandwich for lunch and chicken a la king for dinner.
The 24 actor, who is housed alone in a cell, has also been assigned to serve meals to the other eight to 10 inmates, one of whom was recently arrested for attempted murder - on four people. [...]
The only interaction Sutherland will have with other inmates is when he slides a tray of food through slots in their cell doors.
He also has shower access twice a day.
As of Thursday evening, Sutherland had not had any visitors. However, Balian says that the actor brought several books to keep him busy.
While Sutherland appears to be adjusting well, we'd caution his fans that he might well emerge from this month-and-a-half-long ordeal a changed man, looking not unlike his hirsute, scarred alter ego after two years in a Chinese political prison. So while it will be a relief to know he again walks among us, expect none of the jubilance of, say, Paris Hilton's own liberation day, as we're having trouble envisioning Jack Bauer coquettishly strutting down a jail-release red carpet with a half-cocked smile, flashbulbs popping as he suddenly makes an overjoyed dash towards an awaiting SUV and into the arms of his loving father, Donald.