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So how are Mr. and Mrs. Larry Page faring? The coconut telegraph linking Valleywag's Virgin Islands correspondents with headquarters in San Francisco is down. Our sources who promised us an inside look at Larry Page's wedding to Lucy Southworth, believed to be taking place right now on Richard Branson's Necker Island, have been silent since this morning. And now I think I know why: What may be a tropical storm system is forming northeast of the archipelago. After the jump, a shot taken today by a Valleywag informant showing the extremely windy conditions there.

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Rough weather has so far served to hinder paparazzi on boats, but that lucky stroke may now be turning against Larry and Lucy. Since the festivities are going late into the evening tonight, the couple and their 600 celebrity guests — rumored to include Bono, Leonardo DiCaprio, Johnny Depp, and as many as three U.S. presidents — may find themselves stuck on Necker, Gilligan's Island-style. Good thing Page required that their passports be up to date and valid well past the weekend.