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Founder Ben Lerer tells us Thrillist will announce a Las Vegas version of its email guide to restaurants, bars and culture tomorrow. 'Cause you were so worried you'd find nothing to do on your next Sin City business trip, right? Mock the idea if you like (and we do), but you've got to admire former AOL Time Warner COO Bob Pittman's choice in Web investments. Thrillist does nothing but grow. Subscribers are up 500 percent to nearly 300,000 so far this year.

An email list might seem too 1999 for geeks more apt to find a new nightspot via Yelp or Twitter. But even though most of Silicon Valley has written off email for good, delivering its content over the ubiquitous technology seems to work for Thrillist. As Lerer notes, because readers have to sign up for Thrillist, "advertisers value impressions we deliver much differently." By differently, he means more.

We like Lerer — so much so that we're going to help him move into the 21st century. Any number of services allow you to convert email subscriptions into RSS feeds. Valleywag has signed up for Thrillist SF at one such website, The feed is here.

(Photo by kyle simourd)