A Missed Connection At The CAA Death Star

Though we at Defamer realize that the primary function of CAA's Century City Death Star is to wreak havoc on behalf of its clients, we hope—delusionally, perhaps—that the temporary evil-slowdown the agency is experiencing due to the writers strike might allow employees to use the space to achieve happier, less detructive ends. In the hopes of promoting this briefly opening window of opportunity, we pass along this Craigslist plea by someone hoping to reconnect with a staffer who caught his eye:
CAA - m4m hey, you an asst, maybe?
tall dark hair. me a client, kind of high profile, waiting to meet one of my agents. in the lobby, by the desk, 530 this evening. exchanged a couple of long looks and i had to go. would love to hear from you...
That this client felt Craigslist was his best chance to be reunited with the object of his affection instantly makes us wonder about how "kind of high profile" he actually may be. The agency's earners certainly know that should an anonymous assistant catch his eye, it would take little more than a phone call to his rep to arrange for the five underlings most closely matching even the vaguest of descriptions to immediately be delivered to his home to make sure that his every need was serviced.