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Working at Scores: it's not all giving candy to school children, recovering lost dogs and exchanging glimpses of your breasts for charitable canned goods donations. Sometimes you are asked to exchange sex for money. The Daily News, always your best source for the strip club stories that matter to you, reports today on a lawsuit brought against the famed Manhattan institution by former cocktail waitress Francis Vargas, who charges that Scores managers are terribly sleazy and have some workplace boundary issues.

Vargas, fired from Scores West last year, claims in her harassment suit that "a manager identified only as Sammy" suggested oral sex might be her fastest ticket to a $500 bonus, another manager "coerced Vargas into posing for sexy shots on," and "strip club brass" instructed her to "'take out her boobs more' to rack up better tips."

While that last bit of wisdom is known by waitresses both cocktail and non the world over, we have found that it is still not really appropriate as an instruction from management. Similarly, we wish we would stop being instructed to "get up on the roof with Nikola."

Ex-Scores Waitress Files Harass Suit [NYDN]