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After the Dallas Cowboys learned the hard way that Hollywood albatross Jessica Simpson's amazing abilities to induce failure extend from the multiplex to the football field, receiver Terrell Owens warned Simpson to skip a visit to the stadium and watch quarterback boyfriend Tony Romo from the safety of her living room: "With everything that has happened, obviously with the way Tony played and the comparison between her and Carrie Underwood, I think a lot of people feel she has taken his focus away. Other than that, she was high on my list until last week...Oh, I got a message for her when we make the playoffs. Just stay tuned." The NFL's leading endzone showman didn't elaborate on his exact plans, but he can expect heavy fines from the commissioner should he drop his pants and defecate on a Dukes of Hazzard DVD to celebrate his first playoff touchdown as payback for this week's embarassing loss. []