French Philosophe Bernard-Henri Levy Was Born Dressed in a Black Suit

Author, philosopher (and Paul Janka lookalike!) Bernard-Henri Levy was recently queried about his personal style by Amanda Christine Miller, who is like the Huffington Post's low-rent answer to Deborah Solomon. (Previously she has asked CNN hottie Christiane Amanpour about her safari jackets and Slash about his top hat.) This week she embarrassed America with the man the French call simply BHL.
How long have you had your logo of a white unbuttoned shirt with a dark suit and no tie?
Always. Since Always.
How did it start?
Always, I say. Therefore no beginning. By definition, no beginning.
How has it evolved over time?
It has not evolved. I believe that time stands still.
What statement does your look make about you and your work?
This logo is the simplest it can be. Don't you think? I don't understand why it poses a problem. I do not even comprehend why it is being commented on. And I do not see what it says, at a profound level, about me.
What's My Logo: Bernard Henri Lévy On His Signature Suits And Unbuttoned Shirts [HuffPo]