Megan Ellison loves the ladies, just like Dad

That New York Post item about an "Internet billionaire" and his "lady-loving," "wild-child" daughter who's been to rehab twice still has us thinking. Former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel's daughter Courtenay is wild enough, but her dad's not rich enough. How about Megan Ellison, daughter of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, the aspiring film producer? Her MySpace profile lists her as "bi". And while we haven't heard anything about stints in rehab, she did write the following in a MySpace blog entry:
I am concerned that I may be giving up my youth, my right as a 21 year-old to be an irresponsible idiot from time to time.

And the caption on the photo above?
Drunk dialing Dad in Paris after 3 bottles of Dom.
Three bottles? Impressive, even to Larry, I'm sure. Megan, I think there's room for you and your Treo at Promises.