
The difference between Facebook and MySpace

Owen Thomas · 01/17/08 09:00AM

Can anyone explain this to me? No one said a word when I revealed personal details from the MySpace profile of Megan Ellison, the bisexual, hard-drinking daughter of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, a month ago. Yet we're fussed over Emily Brill, Steve Brill's daughter, simply because the juicy bits about her came off of Facebook. In Silicon Valley and Manhattan, admitting to a MySpace page is shameful. A Facebook profile? De rigueur. MySpace continues to dominate social networking, soundly beating Facebook in traffic. Yet Facebook still holds a special place in the hearts of the media and tech elite. Why?

Megan Ellison loves the ladies, just like Dad

Owen Thomas · 12/26/07 01:20PM

That New York Post item about an "Internet billionaire" and his "lady-loving," "wild-child" daughter who's been to rehab twice still has us thinking. Former Yahoo CEO Terry Semel's daughter Courtenay is wild enough, but her dad's not rich enough. How about Megan Ellison, daughter of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison, the aspiring film producer? Her MySpace profile lists her as "bi". And while we haven't heard anything about stints in rehab, she did write the following in a MySpace blog entry:

Ellison daughter goes Hollywood

Megan McCarthy · 11/08/07 07:40PM

The children of Oracle CEO Larry Ellison seem to be drawn to the arts. His son David is an actor and director who was in last year's movie on WWII pilots Flyboys. Now it looks like Larry's daughter is following in her brother's Hollywood footsteps. Megan Ellison is listed as a producer of the about-to-start-filming flick Waking Madison, a thriller about a woman with multiple personalities starring Elisabeth Shue and some chick who posed for Maxim. Let's just hope that Megan's turn goes better than her brother's. Flyboys was named one of 2006's biggest bombs.