Seven Places That Britney Spears Would Never Be Spotted By The Paparazzi

Is she in New York City? Is she in Mexico? Is she at a Shell station in Hermosa Beach buying cigs? These are the kinds of riveting questions that had a nation (and the Defamer staff) glued to the AM radio yesterday, furiously dialing between stations in search of an update on The Animal's whereabouts. While we eventually found out the answers (no, yes and yes), we thought about a few places that the paparazzi would never even THINK to look for Brit Brit.
7) Hyde - Because NOBODY goes there anymore.
6) The library - No, not The Library Bar. We mean an actual library. You know, the place with card catalogs?
5) Daycare - Clearly Sean Preston and Jayden James have ample time to bite each other at home.
4) Cedars-Sinai Hospital - That was last weekend.
3) NA Meetings - Just because she (allegedly) spends $13,000 a week on drugs doesn't mean she has a problem!
2) The Golden Globes - Then again, Ben Silverman's gotta get TRPs somehow...
1) Dr. Phil's house - Obvs.
[Photo Credit: X17]