This image was lost some time after publication.

There's not even a product yet, but already the rumored "MacBook Air" has a blog. Its authors claim to have taken a screenshot of a page from the Apple Store website with customization options for a new "MacBook Air." We think it's bogus, because the tech specs make no sense. Here's why.

This image was lost some time after publication, but you can still view it here.

First, the specs don't check out. Solid state drives — the no-moving-parts flash-memory hard drive rumored to be in an upcoming notebook — don't come in 60 and 80 GB sizes. Currently available models are 32, 64 and 128 GB.

Second, the picture lists the mini-DVI port on the MacBook Air as being able to support the 30" Apple Cinema Display and a new, unannounced, 40" display. Both of these displays would require some serious graphics power that the current MacBooks simply don't have. If Apple is trying to shrink this laptop, they wouldn't include that sort of graphics card, which is big and generates a lot of heat.

A decent Photoshop job, in other words, but we call shenanigans.