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Hot off the triumphant and record-setting B.O. run of "Blonde Ambition" ($6,422 and counting!), Jessica Simpson attempted to channel her patented blend of moxie and can-do spirit into being a dutiful girlfriend to new(ish) boyfriend Tony Romo, who just so happens to be the quarterback of the Dallas Cowboys. Unfortunately for Romo and his teammates, Simpson's runaway success at luring everyday joes to our nation's cineplexes did not translate into good luck for America's Team yesterday. The Cowboys were eliminated from the NFL playoffs by the New York Football Giants, a team eager to prove their mettle in the last days before Giant Fucking Monsters attack the isle of Manhattan. Now Cowboy fans are directing their wrath towards Miss Simpson, claiming that her double Ds distracted Romo when he should've been preparing for the game. Um, duh? [US Magazine]