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For the gadget blogs, Macworld Expo is the Olympics. Liveblogging, as Macworld veteran Paul Boutin explained to me recently, is all about speed and precision. A bit like a relay-race baton-toss. Mechanical, uncomplicated — and yet people crowd stadiums to watch those. As significant as the event is to Apple — it's a vital showcase for the only consumer-electronics company that seems to matter anymore — Macworld is even more important to the online tech press, which has turned real-time blog coverage into an art, and Macworld into a stage on which it shows off the power of the Web as a medium. As a business story, the latter aspect is what fascinates me.

The last thing the world needs is another logorrheic liveblog transcribing every last word out of Steve Jobs's mouth. (Gizmodo, Engadget, and many others, will be providing those.) Inspired by CNET's Rafe Needleman, I am embracing the discipline of Twitter. Anything important can be said in 140 characters or less, right? And fitting, too, since Twitter's Jack Dorsey and Evan Williams are rumored to be taking the stage on Tuesday. Check back here Tuesday morning, or follow "vwag" on Twitter. I'll be liveblogging the livebloggers, and Steve Jobs, in a mercifully brief way.