Real genius comes to San Francisco next month

Valleywag has intercepted the following transmission from John Hodgman. It bodes of an event which promises to be the biggest Apple event in San Francisco history. Or at least the biggest one since, well, yesterday.
BEGIN QUOTED TEXT On February 22 I'll be doing a show at the Great American Music Hall in San Francisco. I'll be accompanied by a crew of video production people who will capture whatever magic happens there, and later, re-assemble it on a DVD that hopefully the entire world will purchase. With any luck, this will also lead to a proper live CD. I'm telling you all this because it's important that the show be fun and special and generally awesome. If you live in San Francisco, I insist you come to this show. If you don't I hope you'll tell your San Francisco friends about it so they come instead. END QUOTED TEXT

Except it turns out it's not Hodgman himself who's performing. It's nerd-rocker extraordinaire Jonathan Coulton, a frequent Hodgman collaborator. (Photo of Hodgman by acaben)