Ryan Adams/Jessica Joffe Breakup Video Long on Style, Short on Substance

The new Ryan Adams YouTube video, which we can only assume is about his recent breakup with former Observer scribe, former model, and current ShopVogue writer Jessica Joffe, is called "Sad Days." Described as "found footage of dreams," it features a couple grainy shots of Jessica in all her redheaded beauty, plus shots of Ryan goofing around. Oh, the good times they must have had! Mostly, though, it features shots of the skyline racing by from the window of a car, or shots of the stars at night. Your next breakup could easily end up like this if you aren't careful! "He's obviously reaching out," writes a tipster. "Bless him." Click to watch! If you're looking for Jess, she appears about 2 minutes in, and again at 3:20, and at the very end.