Christine Griffin is 26, lives in New York, and works at Cosmopolitan magazine—every girl's dream! But living said dream is not all it's cracked up to be, even if you are working for the publication that pioneered a sex position called the Wanton Wheelbarrow. In fact, she thinks she might actually be "going on 36."

As explained in her Cosmo blog, "Breakup Rehab: One Chick Attempts to Detox Her Broken Heart:"

I woke up in the middle of the night last night, thinking about how I'm well on my way to becoming a cougar. Except probably not as hot as Demi though... Or maybe it's because I just found out that my high school boyfriend is now engaged and my long-term college boyfriend is buying a place with his girlfriend... I mean, I am literally a part of the Facebook group "My Friends Are All Getting Married And I'm Just Getting Drunk."

Aww, and her commenters are of no help, either.

Why should I have to console a friend about being at my wedding single?