Former Gay Terrorized By Current Gay

Former gay porn star and current GOP Marine Mascot Matt Sanchez is, apparently, getting "stalked" by a gay fake Marine. To prove that this dangerous Gay is a danger to him, he's put up a YouTube clip of their last phone conversation, in which the "stalker" attempts to set up a date with the strapping, totally-not-gay Sanchez. You see, the stalker taped the call! And then, uh, gave it to Matt so he could put it up on YouTube...? GAY JIHAD AFTER THE JUMP! [Queerty]
I've had this stalker/crank caller for some time. This person claims to be a Marine. I've also had an issue with security breech of my e-mail. The two may be related, so I let this person call me. The following is the conversation as the "Marine" forces himself to sound convincing. I play along. He is recording the conversation.
Does anyone believe this?
Does anyone recognize his voice?
Question: Who has this much time to play games?
Answer: Gay Jihadists