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Laid off? Here's the good news. You have plenty of time to read Robert Scoble's 1,416-word post on what to do. But if your just looking for your morning hit of schadenfreude, well, then you'll need our 100-word version.

I'm here to offer some hope. 1. Don't get lazy. 2. Spend 30% of every day trying to find a job. 3. Start a blog on the field you want to work in. 4. Get recognized as a world leader in the field. 5. Learn from Loic Le Meur, consumate networker. 6. Do a video everyday. 7. Show your friends your resume and cover letter. Don't have friends? Make some. 8. Do the basics: Craig's List. 9. Take government assistance. 10. Go to any job networking session. 11. Go where the money is: Newly funded companies. 12. Work on family and health. 13. Volunteer. 14. Take help your former employer is offering. 15. Keep coming into the office. 16. Go to every business event. Hang out in the hallways. 17. Have your suit ready.

10-word version: How to look for a job? Scoble recommends blogging, videos.

(Photo by kk+)