Our appetites whetted with the release of the upcoming Vanity Fair Hollywood Issue cover featuring ten of today's most desirable starlets in a variety of glamorously uncomfortable poses (sooo much better than last year's shoot featuring four overexposed comedians and some hotly buzzed penguins whose careers quickly nosedived), we delved deeper into VanityFair.com's stash of preview goodies. It was there that we discovered Renée Zellweger starring in the most amazing piece of video that we've seen in at least the last twelve hours.

First, some context. The clip comes from a behind-the-scenes video documenting the making of a portfolio of famous Hitchcock tableaus, set to what we strongly suspect is "Disney's Chilling, Thrilling Sounds of the Haunted House". The silent result is something akin to one of those UnitedHollywood.com protest videos, just with a Hollywood budget. It features everyone from Jodie Foster paying birdpoop-encrusted homage to Tippi Hedren, to Renée Zellweger, featured in the snippet above, channeling Kim Novak in the Vertigo bell tower scene—despite their end credits incorrectly listing it as a scene from Rear Window. Some homage! Still, we advise any aspiring thespians among you to study the footage well, as Zellweger's emotive performance is nothing less than a Cindy Sherman-caliber masterclass in Acting for the Cinematic-Still Recreating Camera.