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As we all know by now, Harold and Kumar 2 features Neil Patrick Harris on a unicorn, a decision equivalent to the producers reaching into our wallet personally and removing the 11 dollars from its musty confines. Revealing some details of the not-particularly-closely-guarded plot to, Harris says: "It's the very next day, so I'm still the same Neil Patrick Harris you saw before. I have not attempted rehab. I might have gone on another bender since you've seen me. Maybe not on the same drug. Maybe a new drug." Asked about the unicorn, he added, "It was a little hard.... I had to ride it without a saddle, and it was in a green-screen room, and I had to ride it up a ramp and turn around. And this unicorn is very unfamiliar with a crew and green screen, and you don't have a saddle to hold on to. So there was lots of calming, nurturing touches.... It was very Horse Whisperer-y." Towleroad already burned the barebacking joke, so we'll just leave you with a wish of being greeted tonight by NPH-on-a-unicorn dreams. []