Little Richard, Tina Turner Fail To Save Grammys From Nielsen Disappointment

· Network executives are trying to make sense of the brave, new, post-strike world they suddenly find themselves in, either taking this unprecedented opportunity to blow up their development system, or shrugging it off as a "blip" and going back to the old, comfortable ways of doing business (i.e., throwing a bunch of money at talent and pilots). Also, tough decisions need to be made about which series should be rushed back into production to finish up this abbreviated season, which should be put off until the fall, and which should be put out of their misery after losing their momentum. [Variety]
· Unsurprisingly, utterly fearless NBC perfect storm Ben Silverman (motto: "Let's do stuff!") is seizing the chance to shake things up inside the Peacock Family by shuffling around some executives and eliminating its largely vestigial current series department. [THR]
· Behind one of the lowest-rated Grammys of all time (which managed a meager average of 17.5 million viewers—not even the red-hot Andy Williams, Jerry Lee Lewis and Little Richard could save them!), CBS manages a Sunday night Nielsen win. [Variety]
· The Los Angeles Economic Development Corp. estimates that the strike cost the local economy $2 billion, about four times more than the 1998 walkout that lasted six weeks longer. [THR]
· The Visual Effects Society rewards the genius of Michael Bay's Giant Fucking Robots vision, handing Transformers (and the Industrial Light & Magic team who put those creepily realistic lips on Optimus Prime) four awards. [Variety]