And then there were five. Last night's Project Runway was the last before next week's catty reunion episode. (Apparently the African-American girl we have no absolutely no recollection of was really upset about certain things someone said about her!)

In it, two of the remaining designers were to be eliminated before the Fashion Week finale shows to come. We'll never say which, of course, lest some surly, spoiler-averse Runway fan leave a gift on our doorstep of a beloved pet with a stiletto heel jutting through its skull. Given free run of the Metropolitan Museum in which to find their inspiration, some rose to the challenge (Christian's "super super super super super super super chic" Three Musketeer's outfit), and some did not (Sweet P's utterly un-peacock-like Cinderella smock). As for gigglebear Chris, he finished early, earning himself a nice nap—that is, until a deeply disappointed Tim chose to rouse him from his snorey slumber by tiptoeing up to his ear, and shouting, "BUT IS IT WOWABLE?!?!?!" at eardrum-lacerating decibels.