What do you say about Mark Lisanti that doesn't instantly start sounding like pathetic gushing? Is he one of the funniest, most brilliant writers ever to put fingers to keyboard? Of that there is no doubt. Has he left a mark? Try a Godzilla-sized footprint. Working with him over the last three years has been nothing less than the creative experience of a lifetime. The best part is that beneath that mountain of talent, Mark is one of the most humble, humane, and menschy guys you will ever meet. Also: His career has only just begun.

I was going to compile some sort of Best Of, but it's a fool's task. Here's a better idea: Crack open a bottle of André, click here, and curl up for an hour or five with his mind. It's a beautiful one.

Magical Defamer video gnome Molly McAleer has put together a visual goodbye, craftily calibrated to reduce Mark and his fans—every last one of you!—into a blubbering puddle of salty tears. It's sheer poetry.

From all of us here at Defamer:

Goodbye Mark. We love you.