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There are several immutable laws of physics: The net force on a body is equal to it's mass multiplied by it's acceleration. Energy equals mass times the speed of light squared. ruins everything he touches. Don't believe us? Check out his recent Grammy performance. Need more proof? Listen to his lifeless remixes on that 25th anniversary re-issue of Thriller. But just when you thought that was content with debasing the sanctity of the entire recording industry, it appears as if he is about to apply his patented reverse Midas Touch on one of the most anticipated action films of 2009.

THR is reporting that now has set his sights on ruining Wolverine, Hugh Jackman's formerly-anticipated X-Men spin-off. In what is the most disappointing bit of casting news we've heard in some time, the Black Eyed Peas' worst member (for argument's sake, the best is that weird long-haired dude) has been cast as Wraith, a mutant whose skin is translucent and has the power to create a field of invisibility. Ah, if only life could imitate art. Then we would have to suffer the poor man's Andre 3000 no more.