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This weekend's episode of Saturday Night Live will not only be its first since the WGA Strike shut down production of the show back in November, but it also marks the debut of the show's newest cast member, Casey Wilson. If that name sounds familiar, that means you're probably a regular at LA's outpost of the Upright Citizen's Brigade. Wilson has been a regular on the comedy scene for some time now, writing and directing several UCB shows, including Rode Hard and Put Away Wet and Worst Laid Plans, as well as her work with Harold teams "Sentimental Lady" and "Hey, Uncle Gary!".

Despite the notoriously hectic SNL schedule, Wilson was gracious enough to steal five minutes from her show prep yesterday for a quick phone interview with Defamer's own Molly McAleer. The two briefly chatted about how Wilson came to join the The Not Ready For Primetime Players, as well as what we can expect from tomorrow night's Tina Fey hosted episode:

MM: How did you wind up on SNL?

CW: I always wanted to be on the show since I was little and I couldn't audition for the past couple years because I was under contract with other pilots and stuff. Basically I just said to my managers and agents that I really wanted to audition, and I admit that I had to say that a couple times (laughs) but, then I put together a tape. My roommate was very helpful. I just did a ten character tape... it was pretty low budg... I sent it in and I was waiting to hear, I heard they kind of liked it and I knew they were looking for women but the strike was going on so it was kind of weird timing. In December, they called and said Lorne [Michaels] wants to meet with you. In January, they flew me out for auditions. I was practicing at UCB, and I had kind of emailed with [cast members] Amy Poehler and Kristen Wiig about kind of what it would be like. Amy is obviously the head of UCB and an idol of mine, essentially. Then, three weeks later, Lorne flew out to LA for something and he told me then.

MM: Tina Fey is hosting this week, which must be really huge for you. What can we expect from the show?

CW: Well, one thing that's fun is that, you'll see, I think, hopefully they don't get cut... A lot of uhhh ... lady sketches. A lot of things with all the gals in it, which is really really fun. Basically, my mind is completely being blown that I'm getting to do something with Tina Fey, Amy Poehler and Kristen Wiig, who are in my mind the absolute funniest women in comedy right now. I don't know where or why it's ended up that I'm allowed to act with them, but I am having so much fun.

Lady sketches, you say? Sounds saucy! With reports circulating that this will be both Amy Poehler and Maya Rudolph's last season on the show, we're just as glad to see that Lorne is committed to putting more fresh female performers on the show as we are to see Casey Wilson's debut. Don't forget, SNL returns tomorrow night, February 23, with host Tina Fey and musical guest Carrie Underwood.