A week we licked right up

Don't need to wait for an invitation
You gotta live like you're on vacation
There's something sweet you can't buy with money — lick it up, lick it up
It's all you need, so believe me honey
It ain't a crime to be good to yourself
Thank you, Gene Simmons et al., for those words of wisdom. Some questioned why Valleywag, a respectable business publication, posted about the release of the Kiss bassist's sex tape online. To which the only rational response is: It's on the Internet. Lick it up.
What else did we learn this week? How to get invited to a sex party, and which ones to go to this weekend.
If it wasn't about sex, it was about cars — a natural substitute. Sergey Brin's Prius fleet proved a nonstarter, while Elon Musk's Tesla Roadster was off to the races.
And then there were all the exits. Steve Jobs's wife Laurene disappeared from Facebook. Several folks left LinkedIn. And the Yahoo layoff list just kept growing. Oh well: If you can't lick 'em, join us at Moose's.