Tyra Banks' Novel Idea: A Reality Show!

Because life is nothing more than a series of grim accidents and cruel punishments, former model Tyra Banks is making another reality show, adding to the steaming pile that consists of her talk show, America's Next Top Model, and the upcoming fashion magazine challenge. And, she's teaming up with Ashton Kutcher to do it. Reportedly the show will deal with people competing in a beauty pageant and will have some as yet undisclosed twist. How about the twist is that there aren't any cameras! That way it would just be grotesque people milling about in relative obscurity, constantly complimenting Tyra, leaving the rest of us to carry on with our regular, pertinent lives (i.e. watching Real Housewives of New York City). [Hollywood Reporter] Just for the F of it, after the jump find video of Tyra walking off her own set during a segment. It involves people talking about eating cat poop.