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Not only is the Owen Wilson Comeback Tour doing far better than Britney's, but it now appears that he's gotten his old girlfriend back. Right on the heels of going back to work on Marley and Me with fellow marijuana enthusiast Jennifer Aniston, it seems that he's "rekindled his romance" with the woman who (allegedly) broke his heart, Kate Hudson:

The 28-year-old blonde actress was spotted visiting the 39-year-old actor at his Malibu, California home on Monday, following his appearance at the Oscars the night before. And on Saturday morning, Wilson was photographed leaving Hudson's Pacific Palisades home, before reuniting with the actress later that day at 5pm at his own home."

Finally, some good news on the trouble-laden star front! After a year filled with overdoses, manic meltdowns and senseless gun battles with Eddie Munster, we're glad to see that notorious slacker Owen Wilson is setting a positive example for how the drug-and-drink obsessed Young Hollywood set can comeback from Difficult Setbacks™. Are you listening, Dr. Drew? Scrap Daniel Baldwin from Season Two of Celebrity Rehab and see if you can't convince Owen Wilson to come on board as the group's mentor; we're sure that Verne Troyer would appreciate the opportunity to network with the shaggiest of the Wilson siblings.