We'd like to begin this lovely Thursday morning with a quick introduction. We are excited to announce that, for the next two days, S.T. VanAirsdale will be helping us round out our coverage in a guest blogger capacity. Not only is he an incredibly well-respected veteran of the film blogging world, he's an all-around class act with a wit that's sharper than the new 17-blade Gillette Fusion. But rather than me going on-and-on about his credentials, I'll just turn the floor over to him:
Wow! Defamer. It's an honor to be with you for the next few days. My name is S.T. VanAirsdale; I'm the editor of the New York film culture site The Reeler and a recent alumnus of Vanity Fair's Little Gold Men blog. I've also done some writing for The New York Times, New York Magazine, The Village Voice and a bunch of other places that leave me uniquely underqualified to join the Hollywood fray. But that's OK! Really, we're in this together: The film industry is an enduring wonder of cash, craft and clusterfuckery regardless of your coast, so let's assume we have our fascination in common and maybe share the magic for a little while. I'm looking forward to it — many thanks for having me.
Now that we've gotten that out of the way, let the wild rumpus begin!