Jamie Lynn Spears Either Smart Enough Or Stupid Enough Not To Update Her Website Since June 2007

Even more disturbing than the chastity belt-like lock and key chain on the front page of Jamie Lynn Spears' website is the fact that it hasn't been updated since June 2007. Well that, and certain images appearing under the tab "Cool Stuff." Such as? A smiling Kate Hudson, a frowning Chad Michael Murray, and...an image of the Statue of David. Way to show your vast knowledge of both celebrities and iconic works of art, Juno Lynn! But is a photo of you showing off your empty uterus in a skin-tight dress at last June's premiere of Nancy Drew really the latest "News" you're offering your tweeny fans?
Though the seemingly dim-witted Jamie Lynn may not be aware of glossy demographics, a large portion of Us and OK! readers are still studying for their SATs. And even if their parents don't allow the youngsters to purchase copies of those Pulitzer Prize-worthy mags, the internets provide us with all the rubbish they need. So no, Jamie Lynn, just because you're not updating your website with pics of your new belly doesn't mean the Nickelodeon audience you were formally crowned Queen of isn't aware of your 16-year old pregnancy news. We suggest beginning a new Tummy Updates section complete with rambling, nonsensical rants scattered with spelling mistakes a la big sis Britney. After reading a few of those, we have a feeling your middle school fans won't be inspired to bone their boyfriends sans condom for quite some time.