Ex-Sleater Kinney Blogs for NPR

Carrie Brownstein, member of defunct, earnest grrl-rock band Sleater-Kinney, is bloggin' for NPR. Everybody's blogging! Nerd-a-rific. (Although we often found the femband a bit cloying and shrill?) In response to the Maxim magazine/Black Crowes outrage in which Maxim reviewed their record without listening to it, Brownstein reviews albums by the White Stripes and the Shins that haven't been recorded yet. Um, everyone knows that feminists aren't really that funny, but judge for yourselves!
The Shins-Honey Poke Shimmy Lantern
James Mercer and crew can do no wrong. They've added the Decemberists, the Thermals, and Spoon to their lineup. Recorded inside a deer carcass, the sounds on Honey Poke are haunting and cervid. These songs will change your life back to the way it was before The Shins changed it the first time. Remember that song "Red Rubber Ball?" It's on this album!
Rating: $800
The White Stripes-Pale Pail
This album was recorded on an abacus.
Rating: Seborrhea
Hilar! Once, I went to one of their shows where Brownstein actually stopped the music to chastise the crowd for not dancing enough: "We aren't performing monkeys, you know." I was all, "Actually we're just really tired 'cause you guys have been playing for like two hours." Maybe that wasn't funny either, but there's my review!