Smell The Innuendo

There's a new book about blogs that the blogs can't stop talking about because bloggers love books about them. But actually reading a book about blogs? Nothing could be more boring. But there are nuggets in Ultimate Blogs: Masterworks from the Wild Web that make reading it, or the reviews of it at least, worthwhile. For one: In Eurotrash Geraldine Hayward takes bad breath to new literary heights describing her former (possibly famous!) boss.
She had a cracking case of halitosis which meant when she stalked up to you in the newsroom to flay your tormented soul with some well-screeched foulness, you had to choose between crying with the humiliation, and vomiting as the hell's maw that was her breath enveloped you in its vile caress.
Who could be the she-devil with terrible breath? Well consider that Hayward used to work at Star and Bonnie Fuller does look like the type. Hayward was nearly the lead Jezebel writer and could have probably given her womanly advice.
What's worse than being called out in blog form and later in print for bad breath? A public fart goes away. A blog post lasts forever.