Okay, we have officially forgiven Mariah Carey for Glitter, for two reasons. 1) She's such a hardcore 30 Rock fan that she asked Kenneth the Page to co-star in her new music video, and 2) Mimz is lookin' fine these days. Possibly the best she's ever looked. In this video for her new single, "Touch My Body," Kenneth (aka Jack McBrayer) plays a "compunerd" who shows up at Mariah's manse to fix technical issues with her 'puter, but winds up romping around wearing a Middle Ages fighting crown in her fluffy bed playing pillow fight. Our favorite moment? Kenneth's dead-on impression of Mariah's legendary falsetto singing skills in the first 30 seconds. Well that, and the sight of him walking an actual unicorn down a dark alley while wearing a regal robe. Well that, and and a mod scene in which Mimz and Kenny faux-shoot each other with guns. On second thought, scratch all that; every moment is classic.