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Last quarter, Google hired 889 people, bringing the total headcount to 16,805. What do all these new employees do? Stab each other in the back, apparently. A tipster writes: "The management within Google, especially AdWords and AdSense (the money making machines of the entire company ... engineering gets the glory but advertising brings in the big bucks) are completely disorganized and chaotic (in a BAD way- because Google sometimes tries to spin the whole 'chaotic' thing in a good way)." There's much more:

Great post on Marissa Mayer. I can attest to its truth.

Second, the management within Google, especially AdWords and AdSense (the money making machines of the entire gets the glory but advertising brings in the big bucks) are completely disorganized and chaotic (in a BAD way- because Google sometimes tries to spin the whole 'chaotic' thing in a good way).

I'm surprised that you guys don't shed more light on this, but AdWorders only make $45,000 base plus meager bonuses that are only a few hundred per quarter. It's the worst department because everyone hates their job "Hello, this is AdWords, how may I help you?" The dreaded phone shift, chat shifts, answering emails is the core job. They don't tell you that when recruiting and hiring kids from elite universities.

Managers that started as entry level and 'made it' to manager level are extremely paranoid and neurotic because they only have measly community college bachelor degrees and feel threatened (and rightfully so) by the new hire managers that are straight out of Harvard, Northwestern, INSEAD & Stanford MBA Programs. Yet they can't get the boot because they're well-connected and the people who suffer from their poor management are lower on the totem pole and could never risk the backlash that would undoubtedly result.

I know of one manager who everyone hated, yet nothing ever happened to her. Instead, her direct reports just prayed that they'd get to switch managers within the quarter. Her name is Tracy-Lee Blumberg. I know of at least 6 different employees who cried every single day that she was their manager. THREE were male. And other bad managers include Heather Huffman and Stacy Brown-Philpot.

It really is a crazy system because everyone is cut throat and if you happen to land a good project or get an opportunity (to work on a coveted project or work from a remote international office) people really try to bring you down.

(I happen to be an engineer and don't have a great manager but I can deal with him. I just keep hearing horror stories from my Adwords buddies).

Update: It seems Tracy Lee-Blumberg doesn't have many fans. Here's "Tracy's" LinkedIn summary:

I am an assistant manager at Google and I'm horrible at my job.

I'm a micromanager, I don't take criticism well (but I LOVE giving it out), and I am very manipulative and deceptive.

I believe that no one can tell me what to do. If I don't like you, you are screwed

I've been a super bitch lately and it's not just because I'm pregnant. I'm ALWAYS a bitch.... pregnant or not.

I've been at Google for several years, so I'm "well-connected"...Emily White loves me. So be careful...I know people and if you make me upset I will destroy you.

I'm pretty sure my bosses at Google are going to find out that I suck at my job and so I will need a new job once I'm let go....if anyone out there has a job for me, I'd appreciate it. Thanks.

(Photo by Extra Ketchup)