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Got an extra six grand lying around with nothing to consume? Well, the folks at Guernsey's Auction House will be happy to solve your fiscal problem. What could possibly be more fulfilling than spending those benjamins on a previously worn wife-beater with holes in it, coupled with silk purple and maroon pants? Not buying it? Well, what if we told you said ensemble was worn by Jim Carrey in the legendary bird-calling scene from Ace Ventura: Pet Detective. And if you roll higher than that, say with 100 grand taking up space in your wife's shoe closet, get your ass to Vegas on March 15th because Michael Keaton's likely-sweat-drenched Batman Returns costume awaits. What else will the Pugliese Pop Culture Collection feature? More offerings, prices and images follow after the jump.

If the original Indiana Jones sword, Elizabeth Taylor's Cleopatra wig or Madonna's stage-dusted "Like A Virgin" wedding dress suit any of your fancies, gather up your savings and join the Obsessive Hollywood Memorabilia Collectors With Too Much Money And Too Much Time Club! See a few of the most highly anticipated items below:

The sword used by Harrison Ford in the original Indiana Jones: Raiders Of The Last Ark, estimated to reach up to $50k:

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The Wicked Witch of the West's original brimmed hat, as worn by Margaret Hamilton in 1939's The Wizard of Oz, expected to fetch $90k:

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Christopher Reeve's complete Superman costume (including wig!) worn in the first two movies. Estimated winning bid? $90k:

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And finally, with an estimated bid of 100 grand, we present Michael Keaton's Batman Returns costume:

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You tell us: are these pieces worth all the moolah? Or do they look kinda like something you could pick up at Hollywood Toys & Costumes?