Keeping Up With The Lohanians

· It's official! E! has picked up eight episodes of Living Lohan, a realitainment showcasing the highs and lows of everyone's favorite momabler, Dina Lohan, as she moves the family from Long Island to Las Vegas for little Ali's career. Ali records an album, the two live in a suite at the Palms (coincidentally owned by exec producer Phil Maloof), and we get a shattering glimpse into the heart of momabling darkness. Be afraid. [Variety]
· Confused about what the hell the Warner Bros.-ingested New New Line is going to wind up looking like? Guess what—so is Warner Bros.! [Variety]
· The CW goes back to the teen-chick-lit trough for inspiration, ordering a pilot based on the book How to Teach Filthy Rich Girls, from the same publisher as the Gossip Girl series. No word yet on who's going to star, or whether or not they're fucking J.C. Chasez. [Variety]
· Swingtown, a CBS drama from the creator of Jericho, will premiere this summer instead of midseason, which was the pre-writers strike plan. Jericho fans are already mobilizing their next snack-food-based resuscitation initiative should it fail to connect with viewers. [THR]
· The Pitts, the 2003 live-action sitcom from Simpsons producers Mike Scully and Julie Thacker, is getting a second life, this time around as an animated series, with Allison Janney voicing the matriarch of the the world's most accident-prone family. [THR]