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Commenter jordanly has harsh words about Google's hiring practices:

Google works fiercely to woo extremely idealistic and passionate young innovators with long self-love ballads of all the avenues for creativity and self-management available in this paragon of Doing-It-For-the-Love-Of and Freedom-Of-Thought.

They are often straight-out lies.

He continues:

Young programmers willing to take on less-than-"core"-engineering jobs are nonetheless convinced (not by their own delusions but by well-trained pitches) that these tech teams promote innovation and independence. At the very least, the positions are design or programming positions.

Except then they aren't. They're just email-answering jobs.

Sure sure, "times are different" and "you're really not alone," but in the bajillion trainings done on Google campuses every day and in all its marketing to present itself as the one corporation that didn't lose its ideals when it exploded, surely they could do a better job NOT BOLDLY LYING to recruits.

All of that said, it still has havens of true engineering and brilliance, and even bitchworkers get to experience some (some) crazy perks, (some) stupendous guest speakers, and (lots of) awesome co-workers.

The perks *are* tiered based on position type, though. So they're classist, too, but at least ones that make sure everyone is well-fed.

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(Photo by AP/Jens Meyer)