As we noted earlier, living pop icon Madonna, who was once nailed to the disco-cross for our voguing sins, was inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame last night at New York's Waldorf Astoria Hotel. She was first introduced by recent collaborator/turning-out-victim Justin Timberlake, who warmed up the crowd with an amusing anecdote about the time Madonna injected his SexyBack with a B12 vitamin shot. (At least that's what she told him she was doing, though we suspect that syringe was pulling in the opposite direction, drawing the necessary genetic matter for a longer-term project that involves melding two generations of pop superstars' DNA together into a single, hybrid host body for her cryogenically preserved brain.)

Defamer video case worker Molly McAleer compiled some of the more memorable moments from the induction into one handy digest, including the Material Lady's highly doubtful assertion that the rolling-around-on-the-floor choreography from her legendary performance of "Like A Virgin" at the 1984 VMAs was the improvised result of having lost a shoe on stage. A glance at the source quickly disproved her claim: All bridal footwear remained intact throughout. But that's OK—what legend doesn't get embellished a bit over time?