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"I've just been the victim of an attempted undressing by Southwest Airlines," Valleywag mascot Chadrick Baker informs us via his blog. Returning from SXSW, Baker sported a T-shirt he'd borrowed from's Diana Furka (shown here modeling it). It announced to the world what Valleywag already knew about our Chadrick: He's a "fuckin' genius." Such a genius that he wore said shirt while flying Southwest back to San Francisco. Come on, Chadrick!

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Southwest is the airline which once tried to kick off a Hooters Girl over her miniskirt. A flight attendant told our Chadrick to take off his shirt because Southwest is "a family airline." Apparently a shirtless guy on a plane was deemed less offensive than his T-shirt. Sadly, he covered up with a jacket instead. But his questions about Southwest's clothing policy irked an attendant enough that she had a cop get on board the flight at LAX. He narrowly dodged them by holding his bag in front of him as he got off the plane. Next time, Chadrick, fly United. You're too important to the future of the Internet to go to jail.

(Photos by Chadrick Baker)