
Chadrick loves looking for work (also: new Valleywag mascot needed!)

Melissa Gira Grant · 09/16/08 02:00PM

Chadrick, Chadrick, Chadrick. Most of all, we loved saying his name. Chadrick Baker, the virtual-worlds enthusiast Valleywag plucked from obscurity to be our mascot, has been fired from his day job. We think. He should have known better than to bite the digitally furry hand that feeds him. After Chadwick called a competitor — we're not sure, we don't follow the fancy 3D game worlds he runs in — a "hack" in a barely read interview, his CEO, Peter Haik, had to step in and disown Baker's comments. After Haik emailed the company Baker dissed and said he couldn't be sorry enough for what had been said, we hear he took all his apologies one step further and let Baker go.Not that anyone at Baker's maybe-former employer Metaversatility will confirm that. I wondered why they even bothered to let me get past the GrandCentral answering service prompts if the fellow who picked up was going to flatly answer "No comment" to every question I asked. Why not just have a bot handle the media calls? Especially after this last round of press. Not that it matters: Baker's own LinkedIn profile shows he's no longer employed by the incomprehensible company he couldn't resist pitching us. Not to rub it in, Chadrick, but we've got some more bad news for you. Your Valleywag mascot duties? You've just not been up to snuff for ages. We were hoping for Scoble-level pageviews from you. While we are still in search for a successor, we've relieved you of your post immediately. Readers, your nominations are welcome in the comments.

Chadrick worships at the Church of Google

Jackson West · 05/29/08 04:00PM

Metaversality's Chadrick Baker, our adorably optimistic mascot, intends to become a minister in the Church of Google, a new organization for worshippers of the almighty algorithm. Commandments not issued from on high in Mountain View include "Thou shalt not build thy own commercial-free Search Engine, for I am a jealous Engine, bringing law suits and plagues against the fathers of the children unto the third and fourth generations," and "Thou shalt not manipulate Search Results. Search Engine Optimization is but the work of Microsoft." And praying to your new god is as simple as a search query.

Chadrick loves Diana, and the feeling is mutual

Owen Thomas · 05/13/08 06:00PM

The act that first brought Chadrick Baker, virtual-worlds advocate and lover of love, to our attention was his declaration of romantic fealty to four Valley foxes. Bad news for Sarah Meyers, Amanda Lorenzani, and Sarah Lacy: Baker has found his feelings for art director Diana Furka requited. Before declaring their feelings, the two pursued a platonic paternship on a website, Good luck, you crazy kids! As for the rest of you, can you think of a better caption for mascot and mate? Suggest one in the comments, and it will become the new headline. Yesterday's winner: "You mean this isn't the Facebook prom?" by dannyisme.

Chadrick loves crowdsourcing his new look

Owen Thomas · 04/09/08 05:40PM

Can you help Chadrick Baker, the Metaversatility biz-dev guy who recently became Valleywag's new mascot? He's shaved off the beard in this four-year-old profile pic, but hasn't settled on an icon that best captures his new, fresh-faced look. Chadrick has asked for suggestions on his blog, but we think Valleywag readers can best help him. Vote in our poll for your favorite window on Chadrick's soul:

Valleywag mascot awarded second meaningless title

Owen Thomas · 03/27/08 12:00PM

We're so proud! Chadrick Baker, the omniphilic gadabout who replaced Robert Scoble in our obsessions, has been named an advisory board member by the Association of Virtual Worlds. "The three dimensional Internet will emerge, and it's those who get involved now who will be considered the new early adopters," says our mascot, who used to work as Second Life's policy bad cop at Linden Lab. Got it! Attention, annoying VRML kids who worked at BigBook in the 1990s: You're officially the old early adopters. But somehow, I bet that Chadrick still loves you.

Chadrick loves Southwest calling the cops on him for being a "fuckin' genius"

Owen Thomas · 03/13/08 02:40PM

"I've just been the victim of an attempted undressing by Southwest Airlines," Valleywag mascot Chadrick Baker informs us via his blog. Returning from SXSW, Baker sported a T-shirt he'd borrowed from's Diana Furka (shown here modeling it). It announced to the world what Valleywag already knew about our Chadrick: He's a "fuckin' genius." Such a genius that he wore said shirt while flying Southwest back to San Francisco. Come on, Chadrick!

Chadrick loves the Internet

Owen Thomas · 03/10/08 12:30AM

Remember Chadrick Baker, the fellow who loves women who love tech? We hear he met Julia Allison at SXSW, an object of his alienated affection, and the two made up. And we also hear he's discovered the future of the Internet. It has something to do with logging onto Facebook and MySpace at the same time. This kind of thing always sounds better with beer.

Chadrick loves Sarah, Amanda, Diana, and Sarah — and thinks you will, too

Nicholas Carlson · 03/04/08 08:00PM

If only you people would stop clicking on posts about Julia Allison and Meghan Asha, you would make Metaversatility biz-dev guy Chadrick Baker very happy. "Please, please for all that is good and is right in the world," Baker beseeches us in an email, "please stop reporting on nitwits." Below, the "smart, attractive geeky entrepreneurial type girls" Chadrick thinks we should be writing about instead. Who's your favorite? Vote for her in our poll.