Yahoo doesn't "have any clue what success is"

Here's commenter Wabewalker responding to another commenter's assertion that Yahoo is "trying to fail":
Less "trying to fail" and more "not having any clue what success is." Projects start out as "cool," but rarely reach the monetization phase without being decorated like a cheap whore with a TJ Maxx spending account, repulsing all but the color blind or mentally ill.
He continues:
Similar to flesh-eating bacteria, the only known cure is radical cautery. "Radical cautery," Jerry, is not one thousand people; that's nail trimming.
If you can't recognize success, you'll never know if you reached it or passed it. The good ol' boys at Yahoo slammed right past it long ago, and are now desperately trying to pull a bootlegger with the 'General Jerry' before Sheriff Roscoe P. Ballmer catches them this side of the county line.
(Photo by AP/Don Ryan)