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Mono-polared rock legend Courtney Love recently fought back against TMZ, who, working in collusion with the Anaheim Police Department, attempted to paint the singer as being a few babydoll-dresses short of a full wardrobe when she claimed white-collar criminals had bilked the Cobain estate of nearly $70 million. (The fighting-back consisted of several angry MySpace blog posts, in which she notably dropped the trademarked pidgin English that made every visit such an indecipherable good time.) Now, reports the Daily Mail, Love has decided to quit America's quick-to-diagnose shores for England's far more tolerant, let's-wait-until-she- kills-someone- before-we-really- start-throwing -around-words-like-"crazy" embrace:

"I am fed up with Los Angeles. It's dirty and full of crazy people. I want a complete lifestyle change. People criticise Britain but it is still a cleaner, safer place to live than Hollywood," she said. [...]

"I love the greenery and the freshness of the countryside. It is just a healthier place for me to be. I've been house-hunting seriously and I'll know as soon as I find the perfect place." [...]

The couple's daughter Frances Bean is now 15. Ms Love said: "Hollywood is not a healthy place for a teenager to grow up.

"There are too many bad influences. Frances is also looking forward to the move to England."

She said: "English men are more fun. I love all things British."

Depending on how much you trust UK's celebrity media for your news, England could be in the process of losing a divorcing Madonna to NYC. That would offer a perfect opening for Love to swoop in and become their self-exiled egomaniacal-pop-diva queen, in exchange offering them unfettered access to her new adopted lifestyle filled with naked equestrianism and crustless cucumber-and-heroin sandwiches.