The relaunch of free bar mag Homo Xtra ("the totally biased, politically incorrect party paper") is turning into a hair-pulling match, spilling into the streets of Queerty with stories of secret meetings and whatnot. Like a trannie fight (which we use as a comparison only because Boulton is proudly macho!), it's super high-pitched and confusing. As told to Queerty, "It's bullshit that Matthew Bank listens to everything Neal Boulton tells him to do like a puppy dog (like fire Matthew Farris!). They have secret meetings that everyone can overhear." Sounds like someone—besides every single mediagay in town—might be mad at Genre gay-mag editor Neal Boulton, who's a consultant for HX's relaunch. Quite possibly for his free-spirited bisexual ways? We asked Boulton to explain the accusations about trouble at HX and he did, entertainingly, ending with, "I did not, and I want you to listen this now, have a Prada suit from last year on last week."

"It's nothing really. Just another fuck up of mine probabably. I've relaunched alot of magazines...Outside, Country Weekly, Food & Wine, Shape, Natural Health, The National Enquirer, oh and that really homophobic one: Men's Fitness... (my friends at the National Enquirer were the coolest) and at some of those magazines just because of the changes you MIGHT make, hell just your damn presence (Cut here to a VOICE OVER of Drexel from the flick True Romance, "I know I ain't pretty.") gets people mad - even if the changes you are making are cool ones.

In the case of HX, if we are to believe Queerty, someone is, well, pissed at yours truly. But I promise, and I really mean this...with the seriousness of the Monica era Clinton, when he wagged that well hung finger at us, denying it, "I did not, and I want you to listen this now, have a Prada suit from last year on last week."

We've said it once, and we'll say it again: the dude sounds like a real good time!