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Occasionally, when the planets align just so and the sun strikes the Earth at the exact right location, we witness that rarest of phenomena known as Disney Ads on Smut Sites. Or at least that's what gutter-minded rabblerouser Drunken Stepfather calls it, having caught as many as six different instances of Walt Disney World Web ads aligned beside Egotastic's recent coverage of sex tapes, flashings and other NSFW (and definitely NSFDW) mini-scandals.

"I was pretty shocked to see Goofy staring back at me," writes depraved DS proprietor Jesus Martinez, capturing the stunning quality of this galactic event in one of his few moments of media-critical clarity. Of course, we know as well as anyone how accidents can happen in the vagaries of ad networks, but the prospects for Pluto to grin at us with a bone in his mouth while a would-be Lindsay Lohan plays metaphorical tit-for-tat inches away... well, folks, that's just pure, head-exploding magic.