Selling babies, raiding homes — the people of Oregon hate Craig Newmark

What do the people of Oregon have against Craiglist founder Craig Newmark? Start with Robert Salisbury, of Jacksonville, Oregon. The other day, Salisbury came home to find 30 people going through his stuff and walking away with whatever they wanted. Salisbury tried to protest, but the grubbers just brushed him off. One finally handed him an advertisement printed off Craigslist. It listed Salisbury's address and said all his belongings were up for grabs.
"They honestly thought that because it appeared on the Internet it was true," Salisbury said. "It boggles the mind."
Then there's Patrick Lee Ryan, also of Oregon. Ryan faces being held on jail on a $35,000 bond. His crime: an offer on Craigslist to sell a baby for $1,000. The money, according to the ad, was needed for a "tweak." In other words, Craig Newmark seems to have become a co-dependent enabler for Oregon's methamphetamine epidemic.(Photo by chloe004)