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After trying and failing to lure tabloid favorites like Nicole Richie and K-Fed to the Broadway stage, producers on the Great White Way have apparently reverted to seeking out stars with actual acting experience. The Daily Mail reports that Katie Holmes is in final negotiations to play a major role in Arthur Miller's classic All My Sons, opposite Broadway heavy hitters Dianne Weist and John Lithgow. But will Katie's performance top one former Mrs. Cruise's naked cartwheels from exactly one decade ago?

On top of being given the chance to reprove her acting potential pre-Tom (Ice Storm, anyone? Wonder Boys?), Katie will also have the opportunity to challenge Nicole Kidman to a battle of the Broadway broads. Kidman, you may recall, wowed critics and audiences with her stripped down performance in Sam Mendes' The Blue Room back in 1998. So is Katie gonna strip down like Nic, or prove her chops using skills alone? Well, judging from those rumors that Tom tried to remove sex scenes featuring Katie and Aaron Eckhart in Thank You For Smoking, coupled with the serious nature of Miller's work, we doubt that she'll be flashing her SPs.

But the real question is this. If Katie decides to work in New York six nights a week, will Tom and Suri make a temporary home out of Manhattan? Sure, the guy's safe when holed up in his LA abode, but the mean streets of New York aren't quite as comfy when it comes to celebrity confrontations. We can only hope they take a note out of Emily Mortimer and Michelle Williams' real estate notebooks and settle down in Brooklyn, where the mobs, though still mighty, tend to be armed with baby strollers rather than zoom lenses.